Simmental Cattle

RYM 132A

RYM 137E

RYM 257F with her Marlboro Man bull calf at side




RYM 265G

3yo Eastwood 22E daughter with her Galen 48G heifer calf



3yo Captain 195G daughter

RYM 337H

RYM 168E


RYM 155G

RYM 110G

RYM 110G

RYM 175F  and RYM 74G

RYM 113B

Mitchell Cattle Co

RYM 152X with her steer calf that weaned at 870lbs

Mitchell Cattle Co

RYM 146W

Mitchell Cattle Co

RYM 9P, pictured at 12 years of age. She is the dam of 146W

Mitchell Cattle Co